March 09., 8pm, Jazzland:


David Luca – Piano
Alexandru Aruxandei
– doublebass
Frankie Ercsei
– Drums
Cristian copaciu & Oliver Bader
– guitars

Watch & listen: Cristian Copaciu (YouTube)

Watch & listen: Oliver Bader (YouTube)

Admission:  free  || Tombola during brake



March 09., 6pm, Jazzland:


 – piano solo concert –

An exceptionally gifted pianist, at home in both jazz and classical music. He walked away with the first prize from the solo piano competition at the 2000 Montreux Jazz Festival. In 2005 he was voted best soloist at the Avignon International Jazz Festival. Since then he has established a serious reputation for himself in the world of jazz. Jack DeJohnette, one of the jazz giants he has played with, had this to say: „I believe Robert is one of the best young pianists on the jazz scene today”.
Another one-time musical partner, John Patitucci gave the following opinion on Robert’s playing: „His sound and touch on the piano are highly developed and very lyrical” Apart from DeJohnette and Patitucci, Robert has played with the likes of Reggie Johnson, Palle Danielsson, Jojo Mayer, Erik Truffaz, Randy Brecker, Bill Evans,Rick Margitza, Hiram Bullock, Ravi Coltrane, Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra, Hungarian Radio Symphonic Orchestra – and the list is far from complete.
In Japan, which is the biggest market for jazz today, Robert Lakatos has already recorded seven albums and the eighth is about to be launched with Gregory Hutchinson on the drums. Robert is a member of the Bolla Quartet.

listen at:

Admission:  free  || Tombola during brake

March 08. – 8pm // JAZZWEEKEND – MAGYAR BORI Sextett


March 08., 8pm, Jazzland:



Bori Magyar – vocals
Zoltán Mizsei – keyboards, electronics, vocals
Dániel Kardos – guitar
Béla Ágoston – winds
Ábel Dénes – double bass
László Farkas Keönch – percussion, drums, vocals

“How is it in this wide world to discover unknown feelings and sounds in the familiar, the familiar in the unknown. To spin with the earth, to travel on the flow, to meet unexpected homeliness in places not yet visited. We have embarked on an adventurous journey together in this wide world, and we are still at the beginning, we are looking forward to continuing!” (Bori Magyar)

Bori Magyar has been an active singer in Hungarian ethno and world music since 2007. As an imprint of her musical inspirations over the past ten years, she produced her first solo album, which she will present at Opus too. She invited the instrumental contributors to the album, who are also the dominant representatives of Hungarian world music, from her current and former fellow musicians. Based on her own ideas, the singer commissioned Zoltán Mizsei and Dániel Kardos to arrange the music of the album, which draws mainly from the traditional music sources of Hungarian and other nationalities.

Watch & listen: YouTube

Admission:  free  || Tombola during brake

March 08. – 6pm // JAZZWEEKEND – KERUB Trio


March 08., 6pm, Jazzland:

KERUB (trio)

Béla Ágoston – C-melody, soprano saxophone, alto clarinet, glissonic, hulu, duda, tilinkó, fujara, pánsíp, havasi kürt, steel drum, hö-mi, vocals
Zoltán Mizsei – keyboards, piano, hö-mi, vocals
László Farkas Keönch – cajon, udu, darbuka, kanjira, mouth harp, carillon, bells, shaker, effects, hö-mi, vocals

Kerub invites the audience to a special breather of free music. Akin musical interest, openness, similar vision and secession from the creative workday life, spent with tight-kept wings, turn the common improvisation to a celebration, resembling to a free soaring where Nothing-but-Nothing has been discussed but the time to be spent with playing. In the symbiosis of the trio, togetherness is the only source of inspiration for their gliding music. Though this musical retreat, based on contemporary improvisation techniques, may be a fragile flying modus, the participants speak a common language and hear each other in the right way. Cherubs have four faces, Kerub just three. Perhaps the fourth one is an Ancestor invoked by them – speaking in their tones.

Listen here: Spotyfy

Admission:  free  || Tombola during brake



March 07, 7pm, Jazzland: 


David Yengibarian – piano accordion
Vajdovich Árpádbass guitar
Márk Badics – drums

David Yengibarjan was born in 1976 in Yerevan (Armenia). He began his accordion studies in the Yerevan Music School. He moved to Hungary in 1995 where he continued his music education.

He has performed in several stage plays and films. On the soundtrack of the movie entitled Holstein Lovers he played with Ferenc Snétberger, the famous guitarist and composer of the soundtrack, and got acquainted with the brilliant double-bass player József Barcza Horváth with whom he has had a close personal and artistic relationship ever since. He was also the composer of several soundtracks for films such as György Farkas’ Vérvonal (Blood Line), András Fésüs’ Street, Heart, Beat and András Szőke’s Három (Three).

In concert he often plays his own compositions which incorporate a special mixture of Armenian folk music, Argentinean tango and the music of Astor Piazzolla. He has also played in several jazz and folk line-ups.

Accepting several foreign invitations he has played before audiences in Paris, London, Amsterdam, the Terschelling Island, Vienna and at the Edinburgh International Festival. In Budapest he has had performances at the Fonó, Merlin Theatre, Trafó, Szkéné Theatre, Vista and the Matáv Music House.

Listen here: Spotyfy

Admission:  free  || Tombola during brake

December 17. – 5pm // Classic Concert

Áron Zsolt Dobos – Calssic Concert

December 17., 2023
admission: free | start: 17:00

Áron Zsolt Dobos plays pieces by:

Frédéric Chopin (1810 – 1849)
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827)
Ferenc Liszt (1811 – 1886)

“Ezen a koncerten Chopin, Beethoven és Liszt zongora-szerzeményeiből fogok előadni.
Beethovent azért választottam, mert zongoradarabjai mindig is közel álltak hozzám, mert mindig lényegretörőek és határozott a hangvételük. Chopint azért választottam, mert mindig tud valami újat mutatni legyen szó bármiről, Lisztet pedig azért, mert Lisztnél mindig egy nehezebb akadály vár amivel meg kell birkózni akár milyen nehéz is az az akadály ez nagyon motiváló tud lenni, mert ha sikerül legyőzni az akadályt, az nagyon sikerteli élményt tud nyújtani.”

a little preview: trailer (youtube)

December 02. – 7pm // NAPFONAT – Advent Concert

Napfonat – Adventi koncert

Szarka Anita
Szalay Heni
Tóth Orsi
Tóth Eszter
Volkova Kriszti

A Napfonat adventi műsorát első formájában 2019-ben hallhatta a közönség. Ez a zenei anyag adta az alapját a most megjelenő lemeznek, amelynek címe Égből, Fényből… (kiadja a Fonó), melyet december másodikán a nagyváradi közönség is hallhat.

A lemez különlegessége, hogy a lányok elrugaszkodva az eddigi a cappella koncepciótól hangszert ragadtak, és a megszokott perkusszív (cajon, keretes dob, darbuka) hangzás mellett citerával, ír buzukival, gitárral, fuvolával, furulyával és zongorával dúsították az albumon szereplő népdalok és ünnepi énekek megszólalását.

A lemez különlegessége, hogy a lányok elrugaszkodva az eddigi a cappella koncepciótól hangszert ragadtak, és a megszokott perkusszív (cajon, keretes dob, darbuka) hangzás mellett citerával, ír buzukival, gitárral, fuvolával, furulyával és zongorával dúsították az albumon szereplő népdalok és ünnepi énekek megszólalását.

Remélhetőleg sok éven át kíséri majd sokak ünnepét, és vallástól és felekezettől függetlenül felidézi bennünk, miről is szólt eredetileg ez az időszak, segítve minket, hogy személyesen is kapcsolódni tudjunk ezekhez az egyetemes emberi értékekhez – így téve ezt a lemezt örökérvényűvé.

A koncert 19 órakor kezdődik és a programon való részvétel ingyenes!


October 01. – 5pm // Concert Cameral

Duminică, 1. Octombrie 2023,  ora 17:00

Andreea Emanuela Tinca (pian)   &   Paula Gherasim (Violina)


L. v. Beethoven, Sonata pentru pian opus 109
J. Brahms, Sonata pentru vioara si pian nr 2, in la major, opus 100
Fr. Liszt, Studiul Transcendental pentru pian “Chasse – Neige”, nr 12
S. Prokofiev, Sonata nr 6, pentru pian, partea a 4-a

Intrarea liberă!

Andreea Emanuela Tinca este absolventă a Academiei Naționale de Muzică “Gheorghe Dima” din Cluj, unde a studiat pianul, și a Universității Naționale de Muzică București, unde a absolvit studii de Master (pian). A participat la concursuri naționale și internaționale, fiind laureată a Concursului Internațional de Pian „Pro Piano-România”, ediția 2021, și a Concursului Internațional de Muzică Moscova, ediția 2021. A susținut recitaluri la București, Cluj, Satu Mare, Oradea, Timișoara, Tecuci, Arad, Lugoj, Reșița, Partoș, Carei, Sinaia, Câmpina, Szeged, etc. În 2015 a obținut o bursă la “Musik und Kunst Privaat Universität der Stadt” din Viena, la clasa profesorului Karl Barth. De asemenea, a avut apariții în emisiuni TV și Radio. In prezent urmeaza un doctorat in muzica.

Violonista Paula Gherasim este absolventă a Universității Naționale de Muzică București iar în prezent este doctorandă în cadrul Școlii Doctorale de Muzică din Timișoara, fiind si membră a Filarmonicii de Stat Sibiu. A participat la concerte în Italia, Grecia, Germania, Slovacia și Bulgaria și a avut ocazia de a performa alături de dirijori precum Cristian Mandeal, Alessandro Crudele, David Crescenzi, etc.

Vă așteptăm cu drag!

September 24. – 7pm // Platon Karataev duo

Platon Karataev duo

Named after a Leo Tolstoy character, was formed in 2016. With their music, the Hungarian indie quartet wanders around the core of existence, seeking answers through paradoxes, contemplating on questions by observing elements on an atomic level or viewing them from an astronomical perspective. After For Her’s (2017) instant success the band gradually moved away from their acoustic sound to a more broader one. Atoms (2020), with a heavier instrumentation, focuses on speaking about the most universal but on the most personal level with catharsis being a key element of the album.

This time, the songs will be performed as a duo, with songs from the new album alongside previous compositions, and a glimpse of the fourth album in the making.

start: 19:00 // free entry!!

register HERE!


Monday, August 14. 2023,  at Posticums aula magna: 6pm

Recital night: ANDREEA TINCA

Graduate of the National Academy of Music “Gh. Dima” from Cluj and the National University of Music from Bucharest, pianist Andreea Tinca gave numerous solo and chamber recitals in most cities of the country. In 2015, she was admitted to “Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt” in Vienna, in the class of Prof. Karl Barth, through a scholarship. She also made recordings in TV and Radio shows.

admission is free, see you monday evening!