27. October 2022., 19.00/ JAZZ CONCERT

Posticum’s JazzLand was chosen by the Budapest Jazzclub to present two excellent, young jazz bands to the public of Oradea!
We will be glad to welcome the:

Gyémánt Bálint Trio
Gyémánt Bálint 
is one of the best known jazz guitarist of the new generation in Budapest, accompanied by other young musicians.
Pat Metheny, John Scofield, Michel Petrucciani and Keith Jarrett have a great impact on his music.
The main guiding line and the team’s co-working principles are freedom, experimentation, and searching for brand new ways, different opportunities. This is their jazz „ars poetica”!

Gyémánt Bálint- guitar
Bartók Vince – bass guitar
Szabó Dániel Ferenc – percussion

Nagy Babos Rebeka Quartet
Rebeka is a singer from Transylvania. She started her studies in advertising graphics, but years ago, due to a special experience at the Jazz and Improvisational Music Camp at Sepsiszentgyörgy,  she decided to leave her profession and start a career az a jazz singer. She uses inspirations from jazz, folk and electronic music as well. In 2020, the questtet won the Müpa Jazz Showcase best band award, voted by a prestigious international jury.
Their show includes standards, creatively coloured by improvisations, and own ideas, creating an intimate atmosphere.

Nagy-Babos Rebeka – voice
Cseh Péter – guitar
Miskolczi Márk – double bass
Klausz Ádám – percussion


Budapest Jazzklub, î
n colaborare cu Posticum JazzLand vă prezintă două trupe excelente de jazz într-o seară:

Gyémánt Bálint Trio – accent pe chitară
Bartók Vince – bass guitar
Szabó Dániel Ferenc – percussion

Nagy Babos Rebeka Quartet – o voce fermecătoare, acompaniat de:

Cseh Péter – guitar
Miskolczi Márk – double bass

Klausz Ádám – percussion


A Budapest Jazzklub  a Posticum Jazzlandjét választotta, hogy
 bemutasson két kitűnő fiatalokból álló formációt a nagyváradi jazz rajongóinak:

Gyémánt Bálint Trio
Gyémánt Bálint- gitár
Bartók Vince – basszus gitár
Szabó Dániel Ferenc – dob

Nagy Babos Rebeka Quartet

Nagy-Babos Rebeka – ének
Cseh Péter – gitár
Miskolczi Márk – bőgő
Klausz Ádám – dob


Szerző: Posticum | Közzétéve: telt el a közzététel óta

Octombrie 23 – 25. 2022.: Introducere în Zen (limba română)


  • 23. octombrie, ora 18.00-20.00
  • 24. octombrie, ora 18.00-20.00
  • 25. octombrie, ora 18.00-20.00

Introducerea va fi făcută de Peter Terness, medic, doctor și profesor zen (Germania, Heidelberg). Originar din Timișoara (România), cunoaște foarte bine limba română și maghiară. Așteptăm cu drag la Posticum pe toți cei care doresc să afle mai multe despre zen! Zen este o cale spirituală, fiind peste dogme și filosofii.

Zen nu este o religie, zen nu este o școală de filosofie, deoarece nu e teorie, cu atât mai mult, accentul cade exact pe ordinul de viață. Ce ne învață zen, este tocmai tot ce e cât mai larg, cât mai liber.” – Hamvas Béla

INFO: programele sunt cu participare gratuită, participanții vor sprijinii Posticum prin donațiile voluntare.


Mindazokat, akik szeretnének többet megtudni a zenről, szeretettel várjuk! A zen egy spirituális út, túl dogmán és filozófián.

A zen nem vallás, a zen nem filozófiai iskola, mert nem teória, sőt a súly éppen az életrendre esik. A zen amit tanít, az éppen a minél tágasabb és minél szabadabb.”– Hamvas Béla


Everyone with a desire to learn more about zen is welcome! Zen is a spiritual path, beyond dogma and philosophy.

Zen is not a religion, Zen is not a school of philosophy, because it is not a theory. In fact the emphasis is on the order of life. What Zen teaches is precisely to be as broad as possible and as free as possible.” –  Béla Hamvas

Szerző: Posticum | Közzétéve: telt el a közzététel óta

21-23. October 2022.: Zen Sesshin with Peter Terness

Born in 1949, medical doctor, scientist and professor emeritus at the University of Heidelberg. Authorized Zen teacher of the “Empty Cloud” lineage by Willigis Jäger. 

Those who are interested in learning more about Zen are very welcome at the Posticum. Participants may address Peter Terness, a native of Timisoara, also in Romanian and Hungarian.

Zen is a meditative path that goes back to Shakyamuni Buddha and is to lead to an insight into the True Essence of all things – an experience beyond dogma and philosophies. This opens up a new perspective in which life and death stand in a different light.” – Peter Terness

Apply, inquire: info@posticum.ro, tel.: 0040744 50 40 51

Szerző: Posticum | Közzétéve: telt el a közzététel óta

8th of October 2022., 14:00 – 19:00 Oбійми – ДЕНЬ СІМ’Ї // Ukrainian FAMILY days

EN: Dear friends!

We welcome all families or individual applicants who want to relax and have fun on the Oradeas island of peace, Posticum, during a loving afternoon with a playful and meaningful program.

The participants will be welcomed with a snack, and after the introductory games, everyone present, regardless of age, can take part in art, relaxation and music sessions.

The program is free and ends with a warm dinner!

Please register by September 30th 2022 by email: info@posticum.ro (Name, age, mobile number, subject: “familydays_oct 08”). We look forward to seeing you!

UA: Дорогі друзі!

Ми вітаємо всіх сімей або індивідуальних заявників, які бажають відпочити та розважитися на острові спокою в Орадеа, Posticum, під час веселої та змістовної програми.

На учасників чекає частування, а після ознайомчих ігор усі присутні, незалежно від віку, зможуть взяти участь у мистецьких, релаксаційних та музичних заняттях.

Програма безкоштовна і завершується теплою вечерею!

Будь ласка, зареєструйтеся до 30 вересня 2022 року на електронну адресу:

електронна адреса: info@posticum.ro

(Ім’я, вік, номер мобільного телефону, тема: “familydays_oct 08”, англійською, якщо можливо).  Чекаємо на вас!

HU: Ölelés – ukrán családi nap a Posticumban. Kérünk, ajánljátok ukrán gyerekeknek, családoknak.

RO: Îmbrățișare – Ziua familiei ucrainene la Posticum. Vă rugăm să-l recomandați copiilor și familiilor ucrainene.

Vă rugăm să vă înregistrați până pe 30 septembrie 2022 prin e-mail: info@posticum.ro

(Nume, vârstă, număr de telefon mobil, subiect: „familydays_oct 08”).

Szerző: Posticum | Közzétéve: telt el a közzététel óta