MAY 21. -27., 2024.: ”ARTIST IN RESIDENCE”

Für das «artist in residence»-Programm verlegen Persönlichkeiten ihren Wohnsitz für eine bestimmte Zeit ins Posticum

Begegnung mit Niklaus Brantschen
Internationale Zen-Tage

unter Mitwirkung von Marianne Kaiser, Tanzlehrerin (Zürich)
und Peter Terness, Zen Lehrer (Heidelberg)

Hier gehts zum Programm

For the “artist in residence” program, personalities move to the Posticum for a specific period of time

Meeting Niklaus Brantschen
International Zen Days

with the participation of Marianne Kaiser, dance teacher (Zurich)
and Peter Terness, Zen teacher (Heidelberg)

Infos & details here

Întâlnire cu Niklaus Brantschen
Zilele Internaționale Zen

cu participarea Marianne Kaiser, profesoară de dans (Zurich)
și Peter Terness, profesor Zen (Heidelberg)

Click aici pentru program

Találkozás Niklaus Brantschennel
Utolsó nemzetközi Zen-napok

közösen Marianne Kaiser táncművésszel (Zürich)
és Peter Terness Zen-tanítóval (Heidelberg)

További részletek

MAY 26., 2024 – 7pm // JAZZTERRACE 2024: MANTRA & JAZZ

– opening concert –


The first concert of the jazzterrace opens the Posticum‘s 25th anniversary year!

start: 19:00 || admission: donation

The program coincides with the last international sesshine (retreat) of Swiss Jesuit monk and Zen master Niklaus Brantschen. The Program is a big meeting. Sacred texts and ancient melodies meet jazz and the improvisations of the Zurich dancer Marianne Kaiser. As a farewell, we can hear some personal tips from Zen master Niklaus Brantschen: about meeting, arriving, and living life to the fullest.

The Jazz concerts on the Posticum terrace are with free entrance – Instead, we suggest our guests to make a donation of 25 RON for the social case of the teenager Vivien Kiraly (

Primul concert al terasei de jazz de vară deschide anul de 25 de ani de la Posticum. Programul coincide cu ultima ședință internațională (retragere) a călugărului iezuit elvețian și a maestrului zen Niklaus Brantschen. Programul este o mare întâlnire. Textele sacre și melodiile străvechi se întâlnesc cu jazz-ul și improvizațiile dansatoarei din Zurich Marianne Kaiser. Drept rămas bun, putem auzi câteva sfaturi personale de la maestrul zen Niklaus Brantschen: despre întâlnirea, sosirea și trăirea la maximum a vieții.

Concertele de Jazz pe terasa Posticum sunt gratuite – În schimb, sugerăm oaspeților noștri să facă o donație de 25 RON pentru cazului social al adolescentei Vivien Kiraly (

A nyári jazzterasz első koncertje nyitja meg a Posticum 25. jubileumi évét. A Program egybeesik Niklaus Brantschen svájci jezsuita szerzetes és zen mester utolsó nemzetközi sesshinével (elvonulás). A Program egy nagy találkozás. A szent szövegek és az ősi dallamok találkoznak a dzsesszel és Marianne Kaiser zürichi táncművésznő impovizációival. Búcsúzásul néhány személyes tippet hallhatunk Niklaus Brantschen zen mestertől: találkozásról, megérkezésről, a teljes életről.

A Posticum Jazzterasz koncertek ingyenesek. 25 lejes adományával Király Vivien súlyos műtétjét támogathatja  (

see you soon!!

April 5. – 7pm // ZEYLA’s SINGING CIRCLE

April 05., 7pm


Hey beautiful Soul, Let’s play!
Vocea ta vrea să cânte, așa-i?
Te invităm la o sesiune de joacă muzicală cu mult groove și muultă libertate de exprimare.
Prin improvizație vocală și ritmică, mișcare intuitivă, toning și playful songwriting vom descoperi rezonanță proprie, vom elibera ce vrea sa fie spus și vom crea ceva frumos ce n-a mai fost.
Pe langă toate acestea, vom cânta muzica făcută pe loc, printr-o tehnica numita Circle Singing, pe care Zeyla a învățat-o de la Bobby McFerrin (Don’t Worry, Be Happy).
Aceasta tehnica este mult iubită în țările vestice, pentru că oferă libertatea de a crea muzică spontană în grupuri de la 2 și până la câteva sute de oameni.
Mircea Ardeleanu ne va susține cu groove-uri internaționale fantastice la darbuka, udu și alte instrumente de percuție.
Așadar, te așteptăm cu drag în data de 5.4, ora 19:00 La Posticum, Oradea.

Ce te așteaptă, într-o privire:
Circle Songs
Cantat solistic
Ritm si Body-percussion
Groove-uri a cappella
Playful songwriting
Jocuri muzicale
Dans liber
Workshop-ul este potrivit pentru toți iubitorii de muzică indiferent de pregătirea lor muzicală.

Ne bucurăm că ne vedem în curând!

Contributie: Pay what you like 60 – 150 Ron

Rezervare: Whatsapp 0040747010026 sau

March 22. – 5pm // MAKÁM 40 – Instrumental

March 22., 5pm


Bede Sári – vocals
Rácz Gabriella – violin
Vázsonyi János – saxofon
Krulik Zoltán – guitar
Bata istván – bass
Varró Zoltán – drums

A Makám az etno- folk és világzene egyik legrégibb hazai képviselője. Az együttes Európa számos országában koncertezett Párizstól Várnáig, Krakkótól Splitig, és turnézott Indiában is. Zenéjükben a magyar népzene mellett a Távol-Kelet, a Balkán, a jazz és a kortárszene hatása is fellelhető. Hangzásvilágát az etnikus és a hagyományos európai hangszerek együtthangzása tették egyedivé.  Legújabb korszakát a magyar népzene archaikus formái s a dal újrafelfedezése jellemzi.
A közelmúltban megjelent lemezeik személyes hangvételű stílusát, egzotikus ritmusok és lírai vallomások meghitt elegye adja. A Bartók és Kodály nevével fémjelzett örökség, az archaikus kultúrák és a kor zenei elemeinek szintézise a Makám változatlan hitvallása.

— — —
Makám is one of the oldest Hungarian representatives of ethno-folk and world music. The ensemble gave concerts in many European countries, from Paris to Varna, from Krakow to Split, and also toured in India. In addition to Hungarian folk music, the influence of the Far East, the Balkans, jazz and contemporary music can be found in their music. Its sound world is made unique by the harmony of ethnic and traditional European instruments. Their latest era is characterized by the archaic forms of Hungarian folk music and the rediscovery of the song. Their recently released records have a personal style, an intimate mixture of exotic rhythms and lyrical confessions. The heritage marked by the names of Bartók and Kodály, the synthesis of archaic cultures and the musical elements of the age is the unchanging creed of Makám.

listen: Makám 30 (YouTube)

Admission:  free || Tombola during break

March 10. – 5pm // BALAZS ELEMER JR. – PIANO SOLO

March 10., 5pm


 – piano solo concert –

Classical World Music Concert

We will celebrate International Women’s Day with a piano concert by Elemér Balázs Jr. (Budapest) on Sunday evening, as the final chord of the Jazz Weekend.

The program is a musical journey around the world. We gain insight into the culture of different nations. Through the uniqueness of melodies, rhythms, and free improvisation, we immerse in deep  emotions to discover how femininity inspires life.

The concert is a thank you to the women who contribute to the beauty and richness of our world.

 — — —

Concert clasic de muzică mondială

Vom sārbātori  Ziua Internațională a Femeii cu un concert de pian susținut de Elemér Balázs Jr. (Budapesta) duminică seara, ca acord final al Weekend-ului de Jazz.

Programul este o călătorie muzicală în jurul lumii. Obținem o înțelegere a culturii diferitelor popoare. Prin unicitatea melodiilor, ritmurilor și improvisației libere, ne propunem să pătrundem în adâncurile emoțiilor pentru a descoperi cum feminitatea inspiră viața.

Concertul este conceput ca un mulțumesc femeilor care contribuie la frumusețea și bogăția lumii noastre.

 — — —

 Klasszikus világzenei koncert 

A nők napját ifj. Balázs Elemér (Budapest) vasárnap esti zongorakoncertjével ünnepeljük, a jazzweekend záróakkordjaként.

A műsor zenei világutazás. Betekintést nyerünk különböző népek kultúrájába. A dallamok és a ritmus, a szabad improvizáció által az érzelmek mélyebb szintjére merülünk, hogy rácsodálkozzunk arra, ahogyan a nőiesség inspirálja az életet. 

A koncerttel köszönetet mondunk a nőknek, akik hozzájárulnak világunk szépségéhez, gazdagításához.

listen: YouTube

Admission:  free



March 09., 8pm, Jazzland:


David Luca – Piano
Alexandru Aruxandei
– doublebass
Frankie Ercsei
– Drums
Cristian copaciu & Oliver Bader
– guitars

Watch & listen: Cristian Copaciu (YouTube)

Watch & listen: Oliver Bader (YouTube)

Admission:  free  || Tombola during brake



March 09., 6pm, Jazzland:


 – piano solo concert –

An exceptionally gifted pianist, at home in both jazz and classical music. He walked away with the first prize from the solo piano competition at the 2000 Montreux Jazz Festival. In 2005 he was voted best soloist at the Avignon International Jazz Festival. Since then he has established a serious reputation for himself in the world of jazz. Jack DeJohnette, one of the jazz giants he has played with, had this to say: „I believe Robert is one of the best young pianists on the jazz scene today”.
Another one-time musical partner, John Patitucci gave the following opinion on Robert’s playing: „His sound and touch on the piano are highly developed and very lyrical” Apart from DeJohnette and Patitucci, Robert has played with the likes of Reggie Johnson, Palle Danielsson, Jojo Mayer, Erik Truffaz, Randy Brecker, Bill Evans,Rick Margitza, Hiram Bullock, Ravi Coltrane, Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra, Hungarian Radio Symphonic Orchestra – and the list is far from complete.
In Japan, which is the biggest market for jazz today, Robert Lakatos has already recorded seven albums and the eighth is about to be launched with Gregory Hutchinson on the drums. Robert is a member of the Bolla Quartet.

listen at:

Admission:  free  || Tombola during brake

March 08. – 8pm // JAZZWEEKEND – MAGYAR BORI Sextett


March 08., 8pm, Jazzland:



Bori Magyar – vocals
Zoltán Mizsei – keyboards, electronics, vocals
Dániel Kardos – guitar
Béla Ágoston – winds
Ábel Dénes – double bass
László Farkas Keönch – percussion, drums, vocals

“How is it in this wide world to discover unknown feelings and sounds in the familiar, the familiar in the unknown. To spin with the earth, to travel on the flow, to meet unexpected homeliness in places not yet visited. We have embarked on an adventurous journey together in this wide world, and we are still at the beginning, we are looking forward to continuing!” (Bori Magyar)

Bori Magyar has been an active singer in Hungarian ethno and world music since 2007. As an imprint of her musical inspirations over the past ten years, she produced her first solo album, which she will present at Opus too. She invited the instrumental contributors to the album, who are also the dominant representatives of Hungarian world music, from her current and former fellow musicians. Based on her own ideas, the singer commissioned Zoltán Mizsei and Dániel Kardos to arrange the music of the album, which draws mainly from the traditional music sources of Hungarian and other nationalities.

Watch & listen: YouTube

Admission:  free  || Tombola during brake

March 08. – 6pm // JAZZWEEKEND – KERUB Trio


March 08., 6pm, Jazzland:

KERUB (trio)

Béla Ágoston – C-melody, soprano saxophone, alto clarinet, glissonic, hulu, duda, tilinkó, fujara, pánsíp, havasi kürt, steel drum, hö-mi, vocals
Zoltán Mizsei – keyboards, piano, hö-mi, vocals
László Farkas Keönch – cajon, udu, darbuka, kanjira, mouth harp, carillon, bells, shaker, effects, hö-mi, vocals

Kerub invites the audience to a special breather of free music. Akin musical interest, openness, similar vision and secession from the creative workday life, spent with tight-kept wings, turn the common improvisation to a celebration, resembling to a free soaring where Nothing-but-Nothing has been discussed but the time to be spent with playing. In the symbiosis of the trio, togetherness is the only source of inspiration for their gliding music. Though this musical retreat, based on contemporary improvisation techniques, may be a fragile flying modus, the participants speak a common language and hear each other in the right way. Cherubs have four faces, Kerub just three. Perhaps the fourth one is an Ancestor invoked by them – speaking in their tones.

Listen here: Spotyfy

Admission:  free  || Tombola during brake